Please remember, you must submit an artist statement and images by April 1, 2021 for this application to be complete.
(see below for complete details)

An invoice for your application fee ($30) will be sent to you soon. Please mail/or drop off payment to:
Destination Downtown Lancaster
109 N. Broad St., STE 100
Lancaster, OH 43130

A letter regarding your application status will be mailed by April 30, 2021.


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact Colin Hietikko:

Please submit the following materials to Destination Downtown Lancaster to complete your application:

  • An artist statement explaining your process and inspiration. This will be used during the jury process to evaluate your work. (200words max.) PDF format not accepted, Word Document preferred. PLEASE PROOFREAD YOUR STATEMENT FOR ERRORS! We will print your statement AS submitted.

  • Three to five images* that are representative of the body of work you are exhibiting at the ArtWalk. Two additional detail shots, if necessary.

*PHOTO TIPS: 1. Photos should have high resolution. 2. Artwork should be the focus of the picture. 3. Any visible background should be complimentary to your artwork, not distracting.

(the ArtWalk jury and/or committee reserves the right to reject any application based on content or quality)

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